Monday, January 28, 2008

Take A Look

Since there is a tentative discovery sonogram scheduled for Feb. 5, we have decided to post a poll on our side bar asking our loyal nationalists to give their opinion on what they think the outcome will be. The poll closes at 5pm on Feb 5. If there is a gender that is discovered on that date, there will be a nighttime update brought to you by P. Caleb informing you of the findings. So get out there and vote people! Your time is limited.


Anonymous said...

well,well,well. so far it is a landslide. Three out of three believe this baby will be a girl. I can tell you Caleb thinks it is. I know Connie mentioned she thought girl...but who is the other voter? Interesting...

Connie said...

Well, I figured girl cuz what have I got to lose? But, I can tell you, another little boy would be wonderful, too! ;)


Connie said...

Well, I figured girl cuz what have I got to lose? But, I can tell you, another little boy would be wonderful, too! ;)


Anonymous said...

I checked the Chinese calendar and all signs point to boy. I guess they have a 50% chance of getting it right too...

Elliott Allstars said...

I said boy, because boy boy girl as the Terry Tradition...either one will be fabulous!

Anonymous said...

As mother of the mother I inside information. I picked girl.

Anonymous said...

I have to go with boy.

the editor said...

i picked boy for the same reason as the Allstars!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why but it seems that everyone on Jenn's side is thinking girl.

Anonymous said...

There's sides??

Anonymous said...

i would have to guess her "side" of the family.

Anonymous said...

oh, yes...side of the family is what I meant

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but...

I thought I was genetically connected to the King's side. At least I vaguely remember some familial connection. ;)

Not that I wouldn't be proud to be from the Queen's side, you understand.