Monday, February 04, 2008

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Soooo, as everyone knows, yesterday was Superbowl Sunday. And what a Superbowl it was! It was a nailbiter to say the least. Throw in a TV that decided to reboot mid-game and you have a bit of organized chaos with over 30 adults scrambling to set themselves infront of the other two TV's that were still functioning.

With all the good food, tons of friends and family in attendance, the fact that you can focus all your attention on a football game and no one would expect any different, no need to dress up, and the excitement you feel throughout the day, Heath and I have decided that Superbowl Sunday is our favorite Holiday.
How was everyone else's Holiday?


Connie said...

That was really a fun time! It definitely could be a favorite holiday. So glad you were able to get pictures.

Go Giants!

thedollymama said...

Would be a favorite, if it didn't start after 6pm on a school night. Great game!

Anonymous said...

you guys could make the next day disney monday and not worry about school...

thedollymama said...

hmmm.... you may be on to something here...

Em and Jonah said...

Cool holiday, well worth flying in from England.

Anonymous said...

GrammieK and Pa had a fun time, even though the PACK couldn't be there!!!! Great food and super company made us happy the giants won! Thanks for the hospitality!

Anonymous said...

anytime grammie K and pa!

the editor said...

great day, great company, great game!! i agree with the planet regarding the late start but am also loving the brilliant idea!! too bad it ain't gonna happen- oh well.