Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Caleb Drinks Tea

You may be wondering why all the updates? Just to end your curiosity, Heath is away for a few days and I know he looks on Spies Like Us when he is away (although he never leaves a comment!), so I thought it would be nice to update frequently, even if it is not for any real milestone or anything. Soooo, without any further ado, Caleb drinks tea:


Connie said...

Tea? Wow! Such a refined young gentleman. ;)

thedollymama said...

You must teach him to hold his pinky up whilst taking tea.

The National Scribe said...

well that was our good china, I was happy he wasn't dropping it...I shall work on the pinky technique soon

Anonymous said...

why is it "Spies Like Us"?


The National Scribe said...

Caleb and Joshua were spies for the Isrealists when Moses was leading them through the desert.

Anonymous said...

I see my fella is enjoying his tea without his Grannie. Oh well. Can't wait for you to get home and have tea time with Grannie. Love you lots and lots..