Monday, March 10, 2008

Caleb's Day at the Museum


Anonymous said...

I miss you guys! Great pictures! Hey, how did you like Brigs? If you say anything other then it was heavenly, dont bother coming back tomorrow! lol The KING

Connie said...

Excellent pictures! I love them all -- great job. Caleb looks very handsome with his new haircut and it sure seems like he had a fun time at the museum. I swear it looks like he's grown since you've been gone! He'll probably be huge by the time I see him.


thedollymama said...

Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see you all!

Em and Jonah said...

You guys sure have been busy. Caleb looks very handsome and happy.Hope to see you on friday.

Em and Jonah said...

Oh I like the new name, very cool.