Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quick Question

when you look at the slideshow in the header, does it fit? On my computer the whole slideshow is inside the red borders but at my mom's house it is off centered and coming passed the right border line. How does it look from where you are?


thedollymama said...

from here, it is inside the red borders but off-center! Cute stuff, though!

Anonymous said...

i will take it inside the borders and off center..that's better than what I get at my mom's house.
and thanks for the compliment!

Connie said...

Inside the red borders, but off-center.

Love the pictures no matter where they are!

the editor said...

ditto and too too cute!

Connie said...

BTW, I just tried resizing my window and when I do the pictures run across the entire top within the whole border. Perfecto!

Maybe you could try resizing the window on your mom's computer... :)

The National Scribe said...

interesting idea!

Elliott Allstars said...

I think it is soooo cool! Looove it!

Anonymous said...

Why isnt there a picture of me? Or the Queen? Are we not family? Are we not the makers of their lives? I am hungry. I am doing a cleanse. Please excuse my outburst! - The King

Anonymous said...

So, how's that cleanse thing workin' for ya?

Anonymous said...

I was just about to leave a similar message...I love to see the "king and queen". I love the little boys also but...More k and q please

Anonymous said...

wow, I didn't think we were soo loved...well give the people what they want and all, right? I will add some more pictures...