Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kyle's 11: LET'S PARTY!!

Kyle had his birthday party last night. His parents were nice enough to volunteer their place for the bash. All the usual suspects were there, minus a sick Sean Terry family and Emma and Jonah who were flying the friendly skies back to England. The do-flunkies were there in abundance until they found their way in front of me and then they were doomed. There was a chocolate birthday cake made by Carolyn and a lemon coffee cake made by Grammie K. They both looked scrumptious. The kids all played well together and so did the adults for that matter. Have a great 11th year Kyle, you deserve it!


Connie said...

Good job with the pictures, Queen! It was another great party -- it's always fun getting together with the fam.

Happy Birthday, Kyle! I think I remember 11 being really fun.

Who is that under the baby blanket?

The National Scribe said...

it's a mystery.