Monday, May 12, 2008

Ah, To Be Four Again...

Rachael had a birthday party this weekend to celebrate turning four. The usuals were there minus Connie and Dave who were in Florida, hiding in the air conditioning. The weather was decent enough for the kids to go out and play on the swing set and with a bit of silly string. I guess being at a fourth birthday party made some of the older kids feel a little nostalgic of their own time when they could swing without a care in the world, never having to worry what people were thinking of them (see picture of Noah below). Others did not seem so happy to have their picture taken at a time when they might also have been reliving their youth (see picture of Phoebe below). The kids got along very well together, which for the most part is always the case. Presents were opened with much enthusiasm. Upon receiving an outfit with a matching set for her doll, Rachael became very elated, what set her over the edge though as she proclaimed was that, "there's a hanger too!". Happy Birthday Rachael! May your fourth year be completely fever free.


Connie said...

Very cute post, scribe! Sorry to have missed the festivities, it looks like a good time was had by all. Well, except for maybe Miss Phoebe. I bet Grammie is going to want an enlargement of the picture of her with the girls -- very sweet.

Anonymous said...

it looks like I may have to change the name of this blog again. this time I thinking something along the lines of a little title I like to call, Posts for Connie...she seems to be the only one reading this blog...HINT,HINT,HINT to all you lurkers out there.

Em and Jonah said...

Hello out there,I'm just borrowing a compter to say Happy Birthday Rachael, thank you so very much for the lovely basket of goodies, we miss you all sooooooooooooooo much, and I don't much care for grammer.

lots of love

The National Scribe said...

so good to see you up and running, if only for a bit using a friends computer. we all miss you too! talk to you soon!!

the editor said...

Hey, Jenn! Sorry I haven't been here. Sometimes I use Aunt Connie's blog to see what everyone's got up and sometimes it's wrong! imagine that. i guess i just have have to pop over now and then! thanks for the post. I didn't get too many pics from that party. And many, many thanks for the fever free hope/prayer!

Anonymous said...

As always, it's always a fun at a party, especially when the Queen takes such cute pictures!!! I really do love the picture of me and the girls. I have one like it from a few years ago and I would love to have this one too!!!!

Grammie took my best part!!!!!