Friday, July 04, 2008

Tardiness...A Sign of Things to Come?

Ok, eight days after the EDD here I sit, with an 8 pound baby pressing all the recesses of my frame. Is this a foreshadowing of things to come with this boy? Is he making an early statement and saying, "I will NOT be one of those early risers! You will have to shake and pour water on me to get me to emerge into the land of the living on a regular basis. I will be eternally late to functions and I will be the last one in the car." Perhaps this delay in birth is a good thing considering I might have to say, "Joshua, let's go!" more times in my life than not, so why not just carry him around with me as long as I can to save my own sanity. Maybe I should be thanking him for this in site now so I have no reason to be shocked later. Perhaps he is the smartest unborn in the universe, already communicating on an adult level...or maybe I am just going crazy and trying not to lose control and tear him out with my bare hands...! Whoa, where did that come from...sorry guys, OK I'm back...I'm going to lay down... at least we know he will be emerging at the latest Monday...


Connie said...

Wow. If memory serves, you could be describing Joshua's daddy...

thedollymama said...

Terrys have never been known for being on time!

This too, shall pass.

Anonymous said...

HI Queen....I have been away on vacation and only now looked at this entry. Glad Joshua made his entrance before that Monday date!!! Wanted to congratulate you on a job well done!!! Was hoping to see a photo of the new "little man". Please give him a kiss from me and a "welcome to the world" too. love, Grammie