Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Day of School

Caleb started a pre, pre-school class today. He will be going one day a week for the next 16 weeks. The class is only an hour and a half but I was a little nervous that he wouldn't let me leave the since he has had some attachment issues lately. I guess between all the words of preparation and encouragement and knowing the teacher, he adjusted just fine. There was a minor 30 second meltdown when I left but after that I was told he was a great listener and did just fine. Nice work Caleb!


thedollymama said...

way to go, caleb!

the editor said...

nice work, Caleb! we're looking forward to seeing you, Joshua and Mommy on Friday! we've missed you guys!

Connie said...

Awesome, Caleb! I am so proud of you. I can't wait to hear all about all the fun things you did at school. What a big boy you are! I love you, buddy.

Great pictures, Queen. Glad you made it through the first day okay! ;)