Wednesday, August 27, 2008


For my birthday I received a Maxiglide hair straightener. You may have seen this jewel on an infomercial, let me just tell you if you were thinking of ordering it. This thing is great, straightened my hair in ten minutes, held up to a hair tie and a nights sleep. This was not the point of my story though...

Caleb came into the bathroom when I was straightening my hair. He asked what I was doing and I told him I was taking the curl out and asked him if he liked it. He looked at me thoughtfully and said, "Yes mom, I do like it. You look just like Leah." I take that as a compliment. I wanted to put a picture of me with the straight do up on the blog but I couldn't figure out how to take a picture of myself in such a way that you could see the Leah resemblance. I will have to have Caleb snap the photo...


Connie said...

So funny. That Mr. Caleb cracks me up!

And, I would be complimented if someone told I looked like you or Leah... ;)

thedollymama said...

Now that is funny! I would love to see a shot of straight-hair Jenn!