Monday, December 15, 2008

Scenes from a Party

We had Caleb's third birthday party yesterday at Sean and Lisha's house. The weather was chilly but that didn't stop the kids from braving the cold and playing outdoors. The house was full of family and friends and Caleb seemed to have a wonderful time. Thank you to everyone who was able to come to the party, you all made Caleb's birthday super special. Happy Birthday Caleb-man, we all love you very much :).


Connie said...

You sure got lots of nice pictures! Way to go.

It was a fun party and, you're right, Caleb had a great time! Such a cute little guy and he seemed so excited that it was his birthday!

the editor said...

Three! I still very distinctly remember Matthew's third birthday. I can't believe how fast the years fly by!